Curriculum vitae




Si laurea nel 1996 in Ingegneria Meccanica con indirizzo automazione industriale e robotica. Si appassiona nel corso degli studi alla programmazione informatica e realizza già nella tesi di laurea un simulatore di robot per la creazione di componenti aeronautici in fibra di carbonio. Dal 1996 al 1998 è consulente del Centro Ricerche Aerospaziali Italiano dove ha lavorato al software CAM “Arianna” che è stato usato da Fiat Avio e dall’agenzia spaziale giapponese NASDA per realizzare serbatoi in fibra di carbonio per vettori spaziali.


Dal 2000 al 2006 è professore a contratto presso l’Università degli studi di Cassino, facoltà di Ingegneria, Lingue e Filosofia, di corsi inerenti le tecnologie di telecomunicazioni informatiche. Dal 2007 si appassiona al tema dell’efficienza energetica e delle energie rinnovabili con l’obiettivo di dare un contributo importante alla salvaguardia dell’ambiente, missione a cui siamo chiamati in causa. Numerose pubblicazioni, nazionali ed internazionali, lo portano a collaborare con Università Italiane, Russe ed Ucraine sul tema dell’efficienza energetica.
Dal 2019 è cofondatore e  referente tecnico  di New Gaia, società Americana che si occupa di realizzare edifici zero energia negli Stati Uniti e Canada.



Lista pubblicazioni:


  • “CAM for Robotized Filament Winding”, AMST’96, 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing System and Technology, 1996, Udine, L. Carrino, G. Moroni, G. Di Vita e M. Landolfi;


  • M. Casolino, M. Landolfi, A. Losi, M. Russo. A Software Environment for Developing Object-Oriented Applications in Distribution Management Systems. EUROCON 2005


  • NEW ENERGY FOR NEW GENERATIONS, scientific relator in conference in Rome, 22 May 2009, organized with Order of Engineers of Rome


  • Standard passive house (Maurizio Landolfi, Luigi Norgia) N°47 – February 2011 – Progetto & Pubblico (official magazine of OICE)


  • Maurizio Landolfi, A Zero emission requalification project for a wine producer in the chianti(Tusscany-Italy) – Energy Efficiency in Construction & Architecture ,Edition(1) 2011 – Knuba University (KIEV – UKRAINE)


  • Dib M., Landolfi M., The problems of the thermal reconstruction of mass low rise dwelling, Energy Efficiency in Construction & Architecture, Edition(2), 2011 – p.88-93 (Simferopol – CRIMEA)


  • Maurizio Landolfi, Энергоэффективность и возщбновляемая энергия в зданиях ( Энергосберужуние7 июль 2011 – зю19/20, article in scientific magazine, Kiev


  • Maurizio Landolfi scientific relator, STE applications to a “zero emission” winery in the Chianti region, Zero Emission Rome 2011 Conference– 16 sept 2011


  • Maurizio Landolfi relator in Efficiency Energy and Renewable Energy in Buildings, 01-12-2011, DEVELOPERS AND RETAILERS – MALL EXPO, UKRAINE


  • Landolfi relatore in “Seminari sui Programmi di azione esterna della UE e sui Programmi intra-comunitari, Bruxelles, 23-25 maggio 2012 organized by ICE and OICE


  • EFFICIENCY ENERGY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY IN PRODUCTION OF HOT WATER FOR A WINE PRODUCER IN ROME – ITALY, Maurizio Landolfi, Mech.Engineer, In the proceeding of the second international scientific-practical conference “Energy Entergation-2012” (Energy Efficiency Integration Technology in Architecture and Construction”, May 24-25.2012, ©. Published in international scientific, theoretical and practical book of the conference (2012) p.35-39 (KIEV – UKRAINE)


  • Building Integrated Photovoltaics with Thermal Insulation and Mechanical Ventilation in Rome – Italy In the proceeding of the SED-12, Eight Crimean International Scientific-Practical Conference ì Application of Geometry-2012î (Safe-Energy, Ecology & Design), Sep 22-28.2012, National Academy of Environmental Protection & Resort Development. Published in international scientific, theoretical and practical book of the conference (2012) p. 213-217. M. Landolfi, M. Dib, A. Zaher (Simferopol – CRIMEA)
  • Nearly zero energy building with smart control system in Verona (Italy), Briansk (RUSSIA), Приглашаем Вас принять участие во 3-й – международной научно – практической конференции «Биосферносовместимые города и в г.Брянске, 11-13 /12/ 2012, document n. 3.8 ,Maurizio Landolfi, Stefano Zantedeschi, Eutecna Energia srl


  • The problems of the thermal reconstrcution of mass low rise dwelling  (called “Khruschevki”) M. Dib , M. Landolfi , R. Zavalnyuk, In the proceeding of the third international scientific-practical conference “Energy Entergation-2013” (Energy Efficiency Integration Technology in Architecture and Construction), May 15-17.2013, KNUCA,Kyiv, Ukraine. Published in international scientific, theoretical and practical book of the conference (2013) p.3-9.


  • 1st International Conference Climate Policy, Sustainable Development and Green Finance. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation20-21 May 2013, Moscow, Russia, THE PROBLEMS OF THE THERMAL RECONSTRCUTION OF MASS MULTIFAMILY DWELLINGS (CALLED “KHRUSCHEVKI”), Eutecna Energia (member of OICE), Italia / Maurizio Landolfi, Kyiv National Kiev University of Construction and Architecture / Professor Oleg Sergeychuk, Mokhamad Dib


  • Festival dell’energia  – Roma 24-25 maggio 2013, Università LUISS Guido Carli, relatore in sessione n3: Città e imprese oltre la crisi: nuove opportunità di crescita “SMART & GREEN”


  • Design of energy efficient administrative-educational building ” Creative Spaсe ” in Kyiv In the proceeding of the fourth international scientific-practical conference “Energy Entergation-2014” (Energy Efficiency Integration Technology in Architecture and Construction), May 27-29.2014, KNUCA, Kyiv, Ukraine. Published in international scientific, theoretical and practical book of the conference (2014) p.76 – 80.


  • “Dinamic energy simulation of NZEB block of flats to be build in Kiev”, Maurizio Landolfi, Daniele di Giorgio , In the proceeding of the fifth international scientific-practical conference “Energy Intergation-2015” (Energy Efficiency Integration Technology in Architecture and Construction), May 15-17.2015, KNUCA, Kyiv, Ukraine.